Психічне здоров'я без меж

The project "Mental health without prejudice" start from September 2018 to August 2020.

Project manager - Vitaly Kharchenko.

Project Events:

- Strategic session team members

- The international conference on mental health care: “Mental health: Global challenges of XXI century”

- Press briefing chological Pschygiene during the time of informative war»

- Training for military psychologists: “Psychosomatic

- Decompression Component before the Transition to Reserve"

- Training for Psychosocial Specialists: Mental Health Without Prejudice

- National Round Table "Medical Reform for the Mental Health of Veterans"

- Training for preschool/kindergarten and school psychologists: "Bulling - Child Identity and Other Growth Issues"

- MHPSS Meetup: Guiding Decisions and Coordinating Actions on MHPSS Programming, Advocacy and Partnerships

The project is organized by the NGO Development Foundation and Community Self-Help with the support of the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. All the views of the participants in the project events do not necessarily coincide with the official position of the US government

Віталій Харечко
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